Get real-time, proactive alerts for itinerary changes and flight disruptions, allowing you to adjust plans before your trip is derailed.
Skip the hassle.
No more waiting on hold, standing in line at ticket counters, or endlessly searching online. Handle your travel needs instantly via text.
Instant access to live support.
Easily connect with live travel agents through text for quick resolutions, from anywhere, at any time.
Predict & prevent delays.
Assess potential delays before they happen, enabling passengers to manage disruptions proactively rather than reactively.
Completely mobile-friendly.
AI Predict works across all operating systems through SMS—no need to download any apps, making it fully mobile-compatible for all users.
Quick and easy to deploy.
Our dedicated team of experts will have your program up and running quickly, ensuring you can start benefiting right away.
Transforms customer service by reducing wait times, increasing satisfaction, and ensuring travelers always receive the best possible outcomes—faster and more efficiently.
Swift invoice processing:
AI Respond ensures accurate and timely delivery of invoice requests, reducing manual errors and delays.
Seamless flight cancellation:
Instantly provides confirmations and alternative options for disrupted flights, ensuring minimal impact on your travelers.
Instant availability checks & bookings:
Quickly responds to availability requests and guarantees the best possible fare for travelers – even up until check-in.
Comprehensive customer support:
Delivers fast, detailed responses to information requests, ensuring travelers always get the clarity they need.
Your virtual personal assistant for seamless travel.
Transforming the way travelers engage with their travel plans, providing instant, personalized assistance at their fingertips.
Transforming the way travelers engage with their travel plans, providing instant, personalized assistance at their fingertips.
Bring your content to life: with lifelike avatars, rapid rendering, and top-tier security.
Boost information retention: Studies show that viewers retain 95% of video content, compared to just 10% from text alone.
Elevate Your Communication: Transform your employee onboarding and travel policy presentations with engaging, video-based content.
Effortless Video Creation: Let us transform your text into stunning videos, tailored to captivate and educate.
Reach teams across the globe: with seamless branding and instant translations.
Ready to Get Started?
Send us your script and brand kit, and we'll create engaging, dynamic videos in multiple languages for your audience.